Talks with investors
Our goal is to decentralise commerce giving more people opportunities and jobs. We will do this by building schools that teach young people how to use technology to disrupt. These are no ordinary schools. They are Innovation Villages built for Social Entrepreneurs who understand that purpose over profit and collaboration over competition is how we will have to work together today because technology will replace any job that can be automated.
We will bring together Co-Operatives, Angel Investors and Venture Capitalists to discuss why this project is so important now and how the investors can help us.
It is going to take radically different ways of thinking, away from what we are used to doing things because everything is changing so quickly and we only have until 1 January 2030 to make significant changes to our planet.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Finding the leaders who will help us build the Decentralised Sustainable Innovation Villages
We’ll be stopping off at ten locations on this journey and we will be looking for the young people who can lead people. Not just any leader. Leaders with serious grit and who know that it takes hard work, compassion, and a North star that allows them to see what the future might look like.